Tag Archives: it staffing companies

How Extensive Vetting can help Identify and Recruit Potential Candidates

In the U.S, the average company spends approximately $ 4000 to recruit a candidate and the average process of recruitment takes about 52 days. Thus organizations are adopting recruitment trends that make the hiring process cost and time effective, plus there is a growing demand to invest in candidates who are in for the long haul and contribute to the vision and mission of the company. A good candidate vetting process can help in hiring quality candidates and goes a long way in creating an efficient and fair recruitment strategy. Continue Reading How Extensive Vetting can help Identify and Recruit Potential Candidates

Top 3 Reasons to Hire IT Staffing Companies to Bridge a Skills Shortage

The Information technology industry has been rapidly evolving and changing to meet the diverse and growing needs of businesses around the globe. Hiring talent in the IT business can have challenges of its own due to the nature of business. Technology today sees a high level of innovation with the need to accommodate the changing needs of the customer among other things. Finding people with the required skillset to cater to this dynamic industry can be a daunting task.Continue Reading Top 3 Reasons to Hire IT Staffing Companies to Bridge a Skills Shortage